Can you drink tap water in Cyprus?

Can you drink tap water in Cyprus?

Can you drink tap water in Cyprus or install a Reverse Osmosis system? Water Development Department in Cyprus states that drinking water is treated and monitored by them on a daily basis, and ensures that it meets safety standards for drinking water. However, here is...

Why are you looking for a home water filter?

Maybe you just joined some MLM company and your upline told you that you really needed to buy the company’s home water filters to protect your family’s health because your drinking water isn’t safe? Perhaps they told you that the brownish stuff in...

Water Treatment, How Important is it?

The first step to Water Treatment is to find out what kind of water we are dealing with. This will make the treatment more effective, and not cost prohibitive. A water analysis will tell us what is in the water we drink. While chlorine is effective in helping to kill...

Residential water treatment systems

Residential Water Treatment Systems Use is on the Rise Your residential water is very important when it comes to quality because it needs to be usable or what’s the use of having a home. Usually when it comes to water issues, you will find that quality is more...

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatments

Reverse Osmosis and Water Treatment. When it comes to having clean, filtered water, there’s nothing like turning on your faucets to enjoy a refreshing water taste resulting from water filtering. One such type of filtering process is called the reverse osmosis water...