Do you drink tap water? Most people don’t. They prefer to purchase bottled water instead. For some, it’s the taste. The minerals in tap water can give it a harsh, metallic taste.

But wait, as you reach out for your next bottle of water, let’s have a water-cooler chat about what you’re really drinking. Bottled water? High-five! That’s what most of us Cypriots prefer, thanks to the rather too mineral-y taste of our tap water.

But before you take your next sip, here’s an intriguing little secret. That crisp, clear bottled water isn’t a gift from a secluded mountain spring or a magical, untouched river. Nope, it’s actually produced using a super-smart technology known as Reverse Osmosis (RO). Surprised? Many bottled water brands swear by this technology to deliver the pure, uncontaminated water that we’ve all grown to love. And the best part? You can have this same magic right under your kitchen sink, delivering water that’s chef’s kiss perfect, all day, every day!

Is Reverse Osmosis the Silver Bullet for Your Wallet?

Now, let’s don our mathematician hats and crunch some numbers, shall we? Say ‘adios’ to those exorbitant costs of bottled water, and ‘hello’ to economical hydration. Picture this: you’re buying a bottle of water for €1. It seems quite reasonable, right? After all, water is a fundamental necessity for life, so the expense is completely justified.

Sounds okay, until you realize you’re spending about €2 daily on your water fix! We all know we’re supposed to gulp down about two liters of water a day, right? And let’s not even get started on the water you need for cooking. Plus, think of providing safe water for your little tots. You’re not just drinking better water, you’re living a purer lifestyle. Talk about a win-win!

Your wallet’s looking a bit thinner already, isn’t it?

But once we dive deeper into the mathematics behind it, you might find this habit much harder to justify.

Unless you’re living or traveling in a region without drinkable tap water, there’s no necessity for bottled water. It’s a common understanding that tap water is less expensive than bottled water, but the actual extent of this difference may surprise you. Let’s delve into the numbers and prepare for a surprise!

The Pocket-friendly Price of Tap Water

Five-stage reverse osmosis system available in Cyprus, providing high-quality purified water straight from your tap.In an exercise of curiosity about my own water consumption, I discovered some intriguing figures. Water usage in my city is measured in cubic meters (m³), a standard unit for water volume worldwide. Let’s convert that into more familiar units:

1 m³ = 1,000 liters of water 1,000 liters of water = 1,000,000 milliliters of water 1,000,000 milliliters = 1,000 bottles of water (assuming a standard bottle size of 1 liter)

So essentially, 1 m³ is equivalent to approximately 1,000 bottles of water. And the cost of 1 m³? A mere €1! You could fill up 1,000 bottles with tap water for just €1. Hence, when you buy a bottle of water for €1, you’re actually paying 1,000 times more than you would by filling the same bottle from your tap.

Let’s delve a bit deeper: if your primary water source is bottled water, and you consume the recommended 2 liters per day, that’s €2 daily, which adds up to a substantial €730 annually. However, if you were to fill those same 730 bottles with tap water, your annual cost would be a minuscule €0.73. In fact, just your first day’s expense on bottled water would already exceed what you’d spend on an entire year’s supply of tap water.

The next time you reach for a bottle of water, remember that you’re not just paying for convenience – you’re paying 1,000 times the cost of tap water! Now, that’s an enormous price to pay for hydration!

Unveiling the Game-Changer: The Cost-Efficiency of a Home Reverse Osmosis System

But here’s the game-changer: a home Reverse Osmosis system. For a one-time investment of around 350 EUR, you could be diving into a pool of virtually unlimited, purified water. Of course, there’s the small matter of filter changes once a year, and that important membrane replacement every three to five years. All this amounts to a yearly maintenance cost of around 100 EUR, but when you compare that to your bottled water expenses, it’s really a drop in the ocean.

So, is the Reverse Osmosis system the Robin Hood of hydration, helping you steal back your hard-earned money from the clutches of overpriced bottled water? We’ll let you decide.

Fun Fact!

Worried your water bill will skyrocket with a home RO system? Well, guess what? The extra cost is just like a few extra flushes of your loo every day!

Alright, let’s cannonball right back into the deep end of our bottled water versus home Reverse Osmosis (RO) system comparison!

Does Reverse Osmosis Really Remove Minerals from My Water?

Efficient water purification process showcased in a compelling infographic

We’ve all heard the whispers and seen the dubious online forum posts: “Reverse Osmosis water is devoid of minerals!” Well, yes, dear reader, you got us

there, but Okay, let’s settle this.

Picture a scene from a swanky, exclusive club. Your Reverse Osmosis system is the strict yet fair bouncer, ensuring no uninvited guests make it past the velvet rope and into your glass. Yes, it’s true that this process will remove minerals from your water. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. These minerals, while not harmful, can affect the taste and overall quality of your water.

When you’re hosting a five-star dinner or even just cooking pasta for Tuesday night’s dinner, wouldn’t you want to use the best ingredients? Using water from an RO system, stripped of any impurities, will only elevate your meals, ensuring they are a gastronomic success.

But What About Essential Minerals Like Calcium and Magnesium?

Okay, fair point. Our bodies do need certain minerals to function optimally. And, yes, calcium and magnesium fall into that category. But, let’s have a reality check here. Do you know how much tap water you’d have to consume to get the same amount of minerals found in one healthy glass of orange juice? Brace yourself – it’s a staggering 30 glasses!

Yes, you heard right. Three-zero! So, rest easy, dear reader. Your diet and the daily supplements you take should provide you with all the minerals your body needs to function like a well-oiled machine. Your water? Let’s just focus on keeping that pure, clean, and refreshing.

Okay, I’m Intrigued. What’s the Damage to My Wallet?

Frugal friends, unite! If there’s one thing that can rival the thrill of a waterslide at a Cypriot water park, it’s the joy of saving money. Say goodbye to the days of breaking the bank for expensive bottled water. With a home RO system, you’ll be saving cash faster than a rabbit on a hot tin roof!

Think about the convenience of filling your own water bottle as you rush out the door to your morning gym session or a day at the beach. Picture the impressed looks on your guests’ faces when they sip the pure, refreshing water from your RO system at your summer barbecues. The benefits are as infinite as the crystal clear waters surrounding our beautiful island.

Ready to dive deeper? Make sure you catch the final splash in our bottled water versus home RO system showdown coming up next!

So, I’m Convinced. How Do I Get My Hands on an RO System?

Tankless Reverse Osmosis System for Cyprus homes

Bravo, fantastic! You’ve got a keen eye for a sweet deal when you see one, don’t you? It’s like you’ve just discovered the secret beach the locals have been hiding. Your life is about to get a major upgrade. Remember when you first discovered the joy of a crisp, cold slice of watermelon on a sizzling summer day? Yeah, it’s that kind of upgrade.

Now you’re probably wondering, “How do I get my eager hands on a Reverse Osmosis system?” No worries, my friend. It’s easier than saying “καλημέρα” (good morning) after a great night’s sleep. And by “easier”, we mean sit back and relax while the pros handle it. They’ve got the skills and experience to install your new system with the finesse of a Greek god sculpting a masterpiece. Before you know it, they’ll have it up and running, and you’ll be sipping your first glass of pure, clean water.

Also, Reverse Osmosis system is as easy to install as slapping sunscreen on your face before a day out on the crystal clear Cypriot waters. And by that, we mean letting the pros handle it. They’ll have it up and running faster than you can say “pass the souvlaki.”

Do I Need to Maintain My RO System?

You sure do! A RO system does need a bit of love and care from time to time. But don’t worry, it’s not as hard as trying to find parking in Limassol on a Saturday night. You’ll need to change the filters about once a year and replace the membrane every 3 – 5 years. Sounds like a hassle? It’s not. And hey, who said you had to get your hands dirty? We are a professional installers and can handle that too. Maintenance is the key to keeping your system running smoothly, much like your car, and your system stays as sprightly as a playful dolphin in the Mediterranean.

What About The Water Bill?

Ah, we see, you’re a detail-oriented one, aren’t you? Well, let’s clear the air on this one: Yes, a traditional RO system does use a bit more water than your regular tap. But think about it this way: it’s about the equivalent of a few extra toilet flushes a day. And isn’t it worth trading those for an endless stream of pure, crisp water, fresher than a dawn swim in the Med? Of course, it is!

But hey, we know what you’re thinking: ‘There must be a better way!’ And you’re absolutely right! For those with an eco-warrior’s heart, we have something that’s going to make your day. Drum roll, please… introducing the Tankless Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System!

This little beauty is a powerhouse of efficiency, sporting a clean water ratio of 2.3:1, effectively minimizing water waste. That’s right, you can enjoy the purity of RO filtered water and still keep your water usage impressively low. So not only does your tastebuds and health thank you, but so does Mother Earth. Now that’s what we call a win-win!

In Summary: The Cost and Convenience Advantages of Home Reverse Osmosis Systems:

  • Most people prefer bottled water over tap water due to taste.
  • Many bottled water brands use Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology to purify water.
  • An RO system can be installed under your kitchen sink, providing purified water on demand.
  • Bottled water costs around €2 per day or €730 annually, while tap water costs about €0.73 annually.
  • A home RO system requires an initial investment of €350 and a yearly maintenance cost of around €100, making it significantly more cost-effective than bottled water.
  • An RO system does remove minerals from water, but the essential ones can be easily obtained through a balanced diet.
  • A home RO system offers unlimited, convenient access to purified water.
  • It’s easier than you might think to install an RO system in your home, especially if professionals do it for you.
  • While an RO system does require maintenance, it’s not difficult, and professionals can handle it.
  • Yes, a traditional RO system does use a bit more water than your regular tap. But a new Tankless RO system offers a more efficient water usage.